Sunday, December 9, 2012

Blogging Around

     The first post I responded to was Katie Jenning's entry Get Organized: Cleaning my room.  In this response Katie wrote about why her room can become messy and what she did to clean and organize it.  She included a lot of details about how she organized it.  She then explained the importance of having a clean room, to her she feels that when her room is clean she is less stressed. She also described what got her to concentrate to tackle the task of organizing her room.  


I can really relate to a lot of the things you said in your blog post. I know the feeling of having so much to do, that the last thing on my mind is to clean my room. Usually I am also an organized person, but just like you my room can get a little messy which bothers me. I can really relate to the feeling you described when you stepped back and took it all in. It feels as if a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. I also love the way you described the process of cleaning you room.
Solid work KatieJ!


     The second post I commented on was Mark J's Get Organized: Task That Seemed Easy at First Sight.  In this post Mark started off with explaining how he had a fun weekend planned, but made a promise to himself that he would organize his room first so he could enjoy it. Then, he went on explaining how he made a realization that his mind had already categorized items into certain groups even before he had started organizing.  After, he came across some memorable letters from his friends in Korea.  By finding these Mark felt he was able to see more clearly into himself.  

Overall, your blog entry was very interesting. I can really relate to when you said you thought cleaning your room would take 10 minutes but it ended up taking more than 30. I also really liked how you brought and related Aristotle to what you were doing. It was also very cool to see that you made a realization about your mind, how it can separate things into separate categories. It was also very interesting to read about how you found old letters from your friends in Korea. Those must of been really nice to find! Just by cleaning your room, you were brought back with many good memories. Awesome job!

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