Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Connection: MLK Jr. and Obama

     Martin Luther King Junior and Barak Obama are two very well known americans who have many things in common.  The article Letters from a Birmingham Jail really explained what the civil rights movement meant to MLK Jr. and why he was pushing so hard for it.  Barack Obama has made history by being the first black president, which has really impacted america.  Both Obama and MLK Jr. have stepped out against the status quo and have had their voices heard.
     One very obvious thing that they have in common is their skin color.  Although the times are very different now from when MLK Jr. was present, blacks still are not completely equal to whites.  They both risked their lives and stood up for their race.  They are leaders.  They both made firsts.  For example, MLK Jr. was the first african american to pursue a non-violent movement.  Obama was the first african american to become president.  They both made sacrifices. They made sacrifices by putting themselves and their families in danger to stand up for what they believe in and want.  When Obama first became president, the african americans around the world were finally feeling like they are close to equality.  When MLK Jr. made his I Have a Dream speech, the african americans around the world felt like their race was finally making a step in the right direction.
     While they both made their race extremely happy, they were also both willing to go against the status quo.  MLK Jr. did this by starting a non-violent movement.  The thought was that if they were violent the whites would back off, but MLK Jr took a completely different approach.  Not only did he go against the status quo against the whites, but he also did so within his race.  That is how he was noticed and how he gained so much respect from everyone around the world.  Obama went against the status quo by putting himself out there to run for president.  I am pretty sure no other black man has every ran for the president before.  He saw a need for change. The presidents for the USA have typically been middle to older white men who had a lot of experience.  He wanted change.  He sought out what he wanted and he achieved it.
     These two individuals made history.  If MLK Jr. had not started the civil rights movement, Obama might not have run for president.  MLk Jr. gave the next generations inspiration and hope.  By these two stepping out of the status quo, my experience growing up is completely different that what it would have been if they did not do what they did.  I go to school with african americans and I can call them my friends.  I do not think this would have been as easy during MLK Jr's years.  There are still some changes that need to be made.  People still discriminate, but our country has come so far partly because of these two individuals.  The life I live today would not have been possible without these two standing up against the status quo.

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