The project I chose to tackle was to clean and organize my room. My goals were to organize my closets so all of my clothes were neat and folded, clean off my desk so there is less clutter, and organize the cabinets in my bathroom. My room is never spotless, and my goal was to make it spotless. I knew this was not going to be easy, but I was ready for the challenge.
My initial thoughts were that this was going to take forever and that I would get frustrated. I gave myself so much to do, that I could not get side tracked. I started with my closets and just quickly made sure everything had a hanger, and everything was folded. Then I found myself making a pile of clothes that I do not wear anymore that I could give away. My mom had been bothering for awhile to do that, so I thought I mine as well do it while I am cleaning. I found it hard to give away some of my clothes. I always have that doubt in my mind, well, what if I do need it someday? That was a struggle for me. I did not know I was so sentimental to things.
After finally finishing my closets I had to move onto my desk. I have so many different papers and books around my desk that I probably did not need anymore. So I just made sure I did not throw away anything important, and that part was easy! Once my closets and desk were clean I felt a lot better. I do not know how, but just having a clean room made me feel more calm. Next, I was off to my bathroom.
I just tried to find a place for everything that was sitting on the counter in a cabinet and then I was golden! All of this was not as hard as I thought it would be. I felt so much better having a clean and organized room. My mind had to work to find places for everything in my room, and I guess once I found a place for everything, I was satisfied. I now know that if I really focus and concentrate on one thing at a time, that I can finish it quickly. Now I know that it is possible to get things done efficiently.
Kimmy D! When I started reading your blog entry, I was surprised to find out all the things you planned to do and thought that it must have been a long journey. I truly love the fact that there were many points that I can relate to my own experience, such as worrying about things to throw out because of the thought that I might need it later. Last but not least, you did a real nice job in concluding the blog with the reflection!