Thursday, November 8, 2012

Metacognition: Creativity Essay

     Some classes in our school really lack creativity.  Same exact thing every day.  When we were assigned the creativity essay, I was really stumped on what class I should pick.  I have taken so many classes over my high school career, but to pick one the one that was lacking in creativity the most was difficult.
     I could not narrow down my choices so I just decided to go with math classes in general.  I came to this conclusion because we have done the exact same thing every single day for four years.  Every single math class is the same. Yes, it is different material but the layout of the classes are identical.  Once I had made my choice, I was supposed to come up with reasons as to why this class was not creative and give suggestions.
    I had my a couple of complaints and suggestions, but once I started writing the essay I felt like I did not have anything to say.  I felt like I could have said what I needed to say in three paragraphs, the goal was one thousand words.  I was at a lost of words.  I found that when I did not know what to say I would just take a break.  I do not think that was effective at all.  Because I would take breaks, when I would go back to writing,  I repeated things I had already said.
   My essay was much to repetitive due to the fact that I was stuck at recommendations to make for math classes.  I guess because my creative side is never challenged in Math, I could not come up with recommendations to switch it.  This was proof that my creative side is terrible because I am never given the chance to use it.
    If my thinking was more creative, I would have have been able to come up with a lot more suggestions.

1 comment:

  1. Kimmy,
    When coming across this blog prompt, what jumped out to me was the fact that you chose math classes in general for your creativity essay. I chose the geometry course at Glenbrook South as well, because I agree that the entire math department never really challenges our creativity whatsoever. I was able to talk about my recommendations for the course, but it was also tricky for me. Hopefully, math departments all around the country will start to realize the importance of creativity in students' education within the next ten or so years. If not, I believe that our country will grow further and further behind countries like Russia and China.
