Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Curation Update: 4/22/13

     This week has been all about adding more and more elements to my curation.  I have a lot of the format down, its all about adding more information at this point.  I also added a new link called mediocre hairstyles for ones that aren't really hard but ones that are also not super easy.
     The most interesting hairstyle I have so far is called the knotted braid.  I had never seen this before until I watched the video and I thought it was really cool, and very different.  It is a little bit hard but totally worth it because it looks so cool!
    This biggest obstacle I am going to have to overcome is organizing this.  Sometimes I am not sure what category I should put a style in.  Also, when I tried adding another link it did not go to the top and it looks like it is under the Welcome tab so I am going to have to figure that out.  Another obstacle I need to face is finding enough elements that I think are worthy to be in my curation.
     The next three steps in the process of making this curation include the following things.  The first one is that I need to add a lot more styles. I have about fifteen elements right now so I need to find ten more.  The second step I need to make is putting more hair products on the welcome page to help viewers get started with healthy hair.  The third step I need to take as of now is tell the story I am trying to tell in the welcome page.  I need to figure out how I am going to do that.
    One suggestion I have for this project to run more smoothly is to have more class time to work on it.  It is the last week of high school so I am going to be honest, not a lot of us are doing work now so it is hard to keep up.  I still have ten more elements to work in and I only have a week.  I also think we should've had deadlines for requirements of the curation, that would prevent people from procrastinating.

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