Thursday, February 21, 2013

iMedia: Chevrolet

    Almost every day I will sit down and watch a little tv to relax, just like most americans.  I can also say that with watching tv comes annoying commercials.  All they do is interrupt my shows.  I saw this specific commercial about a year ago.

     This commercial was different from the others.  

     Although it is not recent, I still remember when it would air on tv.  When I first saw it I had no idea what this commercial was suppose to be about. The thoughts going through my head were, "Why the heck is there a commercial about a kid dressed up in a costume?"  To say the least I was very confused.

     At the end, when the car came into the picture, I finally got it.  I was still confused though.  Why would they even think about putting darth vator in a chevrolet commercial?  This never made sense to me until we studied postmodernism and modernism.  This commercial is completely postmodern.

    After I made the connection to postmodernism, the chevrolet company really reminded me of what we are currently doing in class.  Right now we are constructing buildings with limited materials and time.  Just like us, Chevrolet does not have all the time in the world to come up with new models of cars; they are always competing against many other companies.  Similar to Chevrolet, we are kind of competing against the other groups to see who had the best ideas to construct a building.

     Everything is a competition.

During class we have to put all of our ideas together to come up with one solution.  We have to be innovative just like Chevrolet.  With limited time they always seem to produce high quality products.

     This commercial does not only represent postmodernism, but it also reflects on how Chevy is always coming up with new ideas and quickly.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Blogging Around

The first blog post I commented on was Katie Dwyer's post on modernism and postmoderism. She forst explained how hes was kind of comfused on the topic, but then drove by a playround and it clicked.   She related how playgrounds have resolved to modernism.  Since we have been kids playgrounds have evolved and changed significantly.  She then showed pictures of examples of how different playgrounds have become.  Then the last point she made was how this newest playground broke the old boundries and was made appealing for the modern eye. 

 Katie D,
I like how you related what we were doing in class to something we see everyday. I never would have thought to do that. You really made me understand how modernism has developed into postmodernism. This is very insightful and clever. Just to think that the first playground is what we grew up with and already it has developed into the last picture you posted. That just shows how fast things can move forward and change. You rock Katie D! - Kimmy D

The second blog post I commented on was Mark J's. His blog was a Change of mind blog about modernism and postmodernism.  What made him change his  mind and realize what those concepts were, were the car commericials.  He also made the connection to how art is shown in these car commericials. 
Mark J,
I completely agree with everything you said here. I did not really understand what postmodernism and modernism were. I like how you related to specific examples that made you realize the differnece between modernism and postmodernism. I like how you realized that commmercials contain a lot of differnt aspects of art.
Nice Job Marky J!
-Kimmy D

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Change of Mind: Postmodernism

     An activity that changed my mind was when we talked about postmodernism during class. When we first started going over the chart I had no idea what Mr. Allen meant by Modernism and Postmodernism.   I never really understood either of those concepts.
     One of the descriptions on the chart of Postmodernism states,"you cannot express or grasp the 'whole'(Allen)."  Before this activity I thought postmodernism was about things that happen after the present.  I thought it was the theory of things that are predicted to happen.  I also thought modernism just meant new.  I never really thought twice about it.
     I was way off.  Modernism is a period that actually ended in 1945.  I never would have known that. When I think of modernism I think of houses that have a lot of windows or something like that.  Lets just say I was clueless.  Postmodernism is the concept that I really had a change in view point about.  The first day we were going over this chart Mr. Allen showed us a video that really got me to understand this concept a little bit more.
    Mr. Allen showed us a clip from the movie The Devil Wears Prada.  I have seen this movie many times before, but I never caught the reference to postmodernism.  The clip he showed us was when the mean boss was telling the naive secretary how the sweater she was wearing was actually chosen for her.  This is when it hit me.  We actually live in a world where our decisions are not one hundred percent our decisions.  We live in a place where other people chose things for us.  Society makes that decision.  We see what is popular and that is what we choose.  There are advertisements everywhere we go, even the internet.  These advertisements influence our decisions.  
     Although I may not comprehend this concept fully yet, I undertand it a lot more.  We live in a life of advertisements and things chosen for us.