Monday, October 29, 2012

Metacognition: Mindbook

     It all starts with a plain white page in a sketch book.  Nothing to go off from.  Everything is to be created from the small brain inside my head.  With very few guidelines and so much freedom, it is almost more difficult then when I am given step by step directions.  The assignment has the possibilities of being super creative and amazing, or just down right terrible.
     On one specific mindbook assignment, the map to you, I was faced with a challenge.  The prompt left me with so many ways of interpreting it, that it was very difficult to start.  I started to think of different shapes I could map my life out on.  Eventually I came to the conclusion that a winding road would best describe my life because somethings are never ending.  Although picking the shape was hard, it was not the most difficult.
     The most difficult part about this assignment was choosing ten emotions, events, or places that described me.  Some people love to talk about themselves and brag, and know who they are inside and out.  Yeah, I am not one of those people.  It took me forever just to come up with five elements for my mindbook assignment.  I really got stuck once I got to number eight.  I feel like that should have been the easy part of the assignment.  Most people would have gotten those element written down in a minute or two.  Why was this so hard for me? Is there something wrong with me? I found myself at the point where I was asking one of my friends some ideas of what describes me.  Other people know be better than I know myself.
    I wish I could understand myself a little better.  I wish I knew all of my strengths and weaknesses.  It would make life so much easier.  It takes me a little bit longer to think and process information when I am not an expert at the subject.  Once I get those core ideas out though, I can really get going.  It just takes me a while to get all of my ideas formulated.  Just like it did for this mindbook assignment.  Once I finally got those ten elements, I was on a roll.
    The way I think might take longer at first, but it does always pull through in the end.  It would be a lot easier and faster if all my ideas just came to me right away.  Overall, my thinking has never let me down.

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