The most intriguing idea I had from class this past week was from watching the film Born into Brothels. One person really can make a difference. This documentary really changed my opinion and outlook on so many things that I never really thought about before. So many people in this world could make a tremendous impact, but are not given the chance. These kids in Calcutta were given a chance.
The kids in the red light district in Calcutta had no future other than growing up and living in the brothels for the rest of their lives. Those types of kids are never given a chance to step out of the red light district. They were lost causes. Then, Zana Briski made everything possible for them. She changed their lives forever.
Zana Briski took a risk by venturing into Calcutta and recording it. She risked her life to get to know these kids, and teach them. Just a little thing like Zana teaching them photography brought on this new level of intelligence for all of these kids, and a new level of respect from them to her. These kids idolized her as a role model and a teacher. Zana made their stories so interesting to follow.
I saw things in this documentary that I never imagined happening. The way those ladies talked to their kids was terrible, but the more amazing thing was the way the kids took it. They were such bright kids and always seemed so positive, just loving the little things in life. They were put into the worst possible situations yet seemed to be perfectly fine. This makes me think, how many kids around the world live like these seven did? What do their futures hold for them?
I believe that more people, and organizations should be out there helping kids growing up in brothels just like Zana did. Imagine if all of these kids were given the chance to receive an education and reach the full potential all children should have the chance to reach. This one lady changed the lives of seven unfortunate children, imagine the impact of just a few more! They do not deserve the way they are being treated and should get a chance!
When these kids were given a chance almost all of them found their way out of the red light district, and began new lives for themselves. These kids are role models for me. If they can survive what they did, I can do anything I set my mind to. They are true heroes and so is Zana Briski.
Kimmy, I completely agree! There are millions of bright kids around the world that aren't (and will never be) given the chance to shine and live their lives to the fullest potential. I am a strong believer in that anyone can do anything they want in life if they just have the determination and resourses available. Hopefully there are more people out there like Zana Briski!
Kimmy, I agree with a lot of what you said. I had a few similar ideas in my Born into Brothels post-- a main idea being the children's maturity. However, one thing that you made me reflect upon was when you said that children in situations like these should get more attention from people and organizations. I know that I, and many people just like myself, go on a daily basis not thinking about worldly issues... And isn't it weird to think that there are thousands of kids just like the ones in the film existing somewhere in the world at the exact moments we are? It scares me and makes me sad every time I think that. Although it's unfortunate, it's the truth that we don't regularly think about all the people in horrible situations and this shows how ignorant and spoiled we all are. Like you said, we should really look up to kids who live through these struggles.